Getting My Blog Thang On.

Unable to (or more accurately, unwilling to make even the vaguest attempt to) have any sort of inner musings printed in a physical publication, you find me resorting to Blogging. It is very popular, as anyone who has ever Googled anything will be all too aware. It can be tiresome when your carefully refined search returns nothing but doe-eyed parents waxing lyrical about their new baby boy. Yet, as they say, we live in a free country and I am throwing my lot in with the Bloggers. Here is where I shall do my very best to offer a cosy refuge from the storm of opinion, argument, politics, pornography and social networking that is the interweb to any poor and lonely wanderer, intellectually weary of watching teenagers fall off skateboards on YouTube (rib-tickling though this may be...).

So come in, sit down. I've just boiled the kettle.