An Upcoming Confrontation With My Nemesis...

Having only been at University for somewhere in the region of two months I am currently in a state of suspended terror. The impending December exams taunt me fiendishly from the dark, unexplored caverns of the near future and the multitude of very thick books with very thin pages arrayed on my desk seem to be boring into my skull with their dead stares, ravenous for the soft, grey, fleshy (and probably delicious) knowledge within.

What defences do mere mortals such as myself possess to defend themselves against such fell creatures of the academic nether realms?

Well... right now the second movement of Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in E minor is doing a pretty good job of taking my mind off it all. Apart from that my only option is to put all my chips on hard work and natural intellectual flair. Yet as I rummage in the back of my mind to find said intellectual flair, what do I find?


Ah... That's right... Just a small, dusty pile of dead brain cells. All forensic evidence points towards "death by gross neglect". It seems an essay every few weeks is not enough to maintain the health (or even life...) of your brain. The lesson here? Simple really: Preserve your brains by pickling them in alcohol.

If you'll excuse me, I have some academic ass to kick.


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