In which mankind breathes its last sentient breath...

I saw a little bit of this evening's Big Brother and, as you might expect, was on the verge of microwaving my own hand whilst holding a spoon. Unfortunately, this is impossible. Looks like I have been FOILED AGAIN by DOORS. Having said this, I did very much like the massive, swivelling eyeball, that spent the entire show surveying the hideous cavalcade of freaks and societal dregs like the merciless Eye of Sauron overseeing his legions of orc minions.

Or perhaps it was more like the maniacal Dalek Caan, cackling in mute glee as his master-plan, eons in the making, enters its final stage, ready to destroy once and for all one of the greatest evils in human history. At the end of the thirteen weeks, or however long the blasted thing lasts, he will dramatically reveal, in barely comprehensible giggles, that each and every Big Brother contestant, applicant, and viewer has, through some arcane technology, been implanted with a deadly biological, nerve shattering explosive. Having travelled through the irreality of time itself, he has discovered the grim state of earth's future, going insane in the process. In the throes of this incrementing madness, he has designed these devices in preparation for a mass cull, geared towards the prevention of mankind's degeneration into a race of drones, subservient to Davina McCall.

Pure speculation, of course...

P.S. If you've read this, don't forget about this month's OTHER entry (Oh my!).

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