In which we reminisce...

Ahoy-hoy! For my second August Blog entry I bring you something mighty special. By means of introduction I must alert you to one of my late-night hobbies. Don't worry, it isn't pornography. Not this time, anyway... No, what I often do is delve rather deeply into the misty mists of time by clicking on the 'Older Posts' button on Facebook. Somehow, re-reading the various comments and statuses fills me with potentially toxic levels of nostalgia, which we all know is one of my many drugs of choice. So, having found myself chuckling at numerous titbits, I provide for your pleasure:

The Best of Facebook: A Copy & Paste Retrospective of the Friendly Fun Times...
 (Kindly note that any spelling/grammatical errors are entirely the fault of the original author...but it's mostly my stuff anyway, so y'know, WHATEVER...)

In which lunch foreshadows terrible deeds... 

Michael > Me: I thought i'd inform you that i'm having Ryvita and Huomous for lunch.
just to make you angry

Me > Michael: Do you know what happens to people who classify ryveta and humous as a meal? They grow up to become rapists :(

In which high-jinks oft turn to hate crime...
Me > Michael: Michael I have been playing Master of Olympus for SIX HOURS STRAIGHT, my buttocks have FUSED WITH MY CHAIR, and I blame you, because of all your spiel about The Odyssey. Anyway, just half an hour ago, in a rather dark twist, I ACCIDENTALLY genocided the Centaurs.

Genocide is a verb now.
In which I initially misread the number of 'L's... 
Abby > Andrew: Happy birthday, hope you have a fabby day!!x
In which Andrew proves his masculinity...

Andrew: *Joe hands me a pint of wine to down*
"C'mon Andrew, its all or nothing"
*I chin it*
"ITS ALL!!!"
*Promptly throw up*
..."Its nothing..."


In which everyone seemed to enjoy what I said...

Me: There were inexplicable crumbs in my bed this morning... AM I A WERE-BISCUIT ???


*          *          * 

So, I hope you enjoyed that. Since it's a bit short (because it's also a bit late) I shall return to this entry and add things as I unearth them. In the mean time, the Highland Games are almost upon us, and there is only one question the townsfolk of Crieff are asking: "Is Jamie Lamb going to get as drunk as he did last year?"

Watch this space...

Actually, watch whatever space I'm standing in... If you sit at home all day staring at that space you will MISS EVERYTHING.

Peace out, honkies!


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